
These are unsolicited testimonials. I get them daily. Thank YOU for helping your dogs feel better. You can purchase Get Up & Go products here.
Did I tell you how happy i am with the combo of the gluco and msm ? Ranger is no longer limping or even favoring that sore foot/leg where the vet said he saw the early signs of arthritis. He’s playing with his stuffies again, running around the house, up and down off the furniture without hesitation. I couldn’t be more thrilled. Bonnie of CA
On all your products now …and took your advice with YUCCA…it has been a real blessing for Mackenzie our 13 year old Westie !!!! Louie of MD

I am so happy with your products. I made my first purchase from you in Dewey and now my 12 year old is running in the backyard. She is also full of energy all of the time. I got her when she was 7 1/2, and I have never seen her enjoy life like she is now!! Peggy of NJ
The glucosamine and CMO have made such a difference in Pretty Girl’s arthritis. And I’m happy to be supporting you folks! Jenn in MA
Bought the Get Up and Go 4-pack combo and my hounds are playing like never before! Great product! Karen in FL
I’ve been seeing substantial improvement with one of my hounds. My 10 year old girl, Tinkerbelle, is a master of injuries as her determination drives her to go full throttle at her age. For the last few months, (and after a number of xrays), she has been limping in the front when she gets up after a power nap. Our holistic and regular vet have eliminated all possible causes other than ligament/muscle injury and some arthritis. Well, since she has been on your supplements, it has gotten a lot better. So, you have some new fans! Gaby, Tinkerbelle and Doc
Thanks so much!!! Payton is much more active since I put him on your supplements. Melanie in RI
I wanted to let you know how much the magical white powders have helped Chase – with his mild arthitis over the years, and more recently while fighting the Big ‘C’ battle. The additional pain relief and increased mobility were obvious when I added your supplements back into his regime. Both his regular and holistic vets were impressed. Melinda of GA
LOVE the effect the Get Up & Go powders have on my greys Glitter (13), Gator (10) & Gigi (7). Sharron of DE
I am the treasurer of Gold Coast Greyhound – Orlando, and absolutely love this product. I won a bottle in an auction, and have seen a difference in my five greyhounds ever since I started using it. I will be one of your re-ordering customers. Donna of FL
I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful products. I met you at Sandy Paws, and bought products for my Whippet with the sore neck. I’ve been giving him his magic powders, and just recently he spent time with me on his bed, which he hasn’t done in a long time. Then today he ventured down into the basement. He had not gone down there for over a year. You are a saint. Keep up the good work. Jo-Anne of Canada
Previously, I was using Glucosamine and MSM for my 12 year old dachshund/beagle mix. She showed improvement. This last time I ordered your 4-pack (glucosamine, msm, chondroitin, vit C). What a difference it has made! I ran out of the supplements, and she started to have problems rising and walking. I KNOW your products have helped her and made her body feel as young as her soul. I can’t thank you enough! Teresa of PA
Thought you might like to know that the Chondroitin is working beautifully (with the glucosamine and MSM) and Charlie has stopped limping altogether since we started it. So many thanks. Elizabeth of Canada
Our 10 year old boy is acting like a youngster thanks to your wonderful supplements. Sherrlyn of CA
Dash has been using your glucosamine and chondroitin supplements since the Gathering, and he is doing wonderfully. He turned 10 today, and has been running and chasing the ball like he did years ago. I mentioned it on a GSD List I belong to, and several people asked where I got the supplements, so you may be getting some new business from the GSD crowd (German Shepherds are always strong candidates for joint supplements). You can certainly count on a strong endorsement from me. Gary in CO
Get Up & Go
This combo of products works! Our almost 12 year old greyhound is running around like he’s five again. The vet-prescribed Dasuquin, which did not work at all, and your Get Up & Go is easier to administer and a better value.
We LOVE the oils. The Calming oil works quickly to relax us all and really helps our one storm-phobic greyhound, who is also very anxious, to be at peace. We massage the oils behind their ears and on their necks as part of our weekly “doggie spa day” and at bedtime. Meghan in VA
Claudia is professional, personal and the entire operation is pro-Greyhounds. The quality of product is quite easy to see the purity. The results speak for themselves. Josh in OH
After reading most of the testimonials on your website, I started my 9-1/2 male grey (a former racer) on your Get Up & Go four-pack in early August (he has rear-end stiffness and some gnarly arthritic toe joints). I understand it takes a few months to notice results, but over the weekend, he ran with “wild abandon” for the first time in months – and without limping afterwards. He seems perkier, too. I’m extremely pleased so far, such that I will start my 8 year old female grey on the supplements as well. Thanks a million for making these supplements available and easy to order. It’s good to know that proceeds go to help other greys. Meg of MI
My 11 year old girl “Kadee” has improved dramatically since starting on the Get Up and Go four pack and CMO. She is running around the backyard, and is once again crazy about her toys. We both thank you! David
Thank you so much Claudia! My two babies LOVE the Get Up and Go! My 9 year old is running around like she’s a kid again! My 5 year old has a hock injury that is giving him a lot less pain now too. He puts more weight on that leg now than he ever has! I’m HOOKED!!!! Laura
‘Get up and Go’ has made a marked improvement in our big guy Famous Amos. So much so, that we are wondering if you sell something called “Sit down and Shut up” 🙂
But seriously, thank you for a great product. We know we are seeing good results from this. Our guy is really big, not too old, but prone to soreness, all over, after fast runs or extended walk/activities. The powder is so easy to feed, he looks forward to us sprinkling it in his food and I think it is making a difference. Here’s a picture of our guy, getting up and going. Cathy, Bob and Famous Amos
My husband and I really enjoyed your seminars in Dewey.Besides being informative, they were fun! We also enjoyed talking with you afterwards. You suggested that we try the Grizzly Salmon Oil.What a difference it made in our 9 year old grey’s black coat. It is so shiny and bright now, whereas before it was dry and dull! (and I have tried other products…nothing worked like your Salmon oil) We have 3 greys, all on Glucosamine and they’re doing greyt especially the 13 1/2 year old, who takes all the Get Up and Go! Carol
I’d like to tell you how much your glucosamine & MSM combination has helped Badgie. She has an injury from when she was very young, and she’s always had a slight limp, which has gotten worse as she’s aged. The supplements have made a big improvement. Laura
Harlan is now 10 and is doing really well. The vet is amazed that an “aged” hound still plays in the backyard with our younger 7 year old hound. We took your advice after meeting at your booth at Dewey Beach. I think it was our first trip so he would have been 5 at the time, he was still recovering from the grade 4 fracture he suffered two years earlier. We started him on supplements and have kept him on glucosamine ever since. He shows no signs of pain or discomfort and still stands on just his hind feet to touch the cookie jar with his nose. Donna
Diana just turned 14 last Monday! She still runs in the yard and jumps onto the porch! She’s had Get Up & Go with dinner since she turned 5. Betty
We love the Glucosamine HCl and have been using it on our 11.5 yr old girl (Glitter) and 9 yr old boy (Gator) since we bought some at Sandy Paws 2005. Glitter is still running the house and she runs after Gator in the yard instead of the other way around. We just adopted Gigi (she’ll be 6 in June) and we are giving her the glucosamine as well. Starting her off right. Sharron
Thank you for helping us to prolong the life of our 13 year old yellow Lab “Wooly”…….there is no question in our mind that by giving him the Glucosamine and Chondroitin we have purchased from you these last number of years, it’s allowed him to not only live longer, but to also have a good quality life…….so…….thanks again!! Jack N
I started my dog on your supplements about six months ago, and they have made a real difference. He became paralyzed in his rear legs about five years ago, at the young age of four, in a freak accident when he was playing fetch. He has been in a wheelchair since then and is happy as can be. He was showing a little slowness, not surprising since he now only uses his front legs to get around, and I wanted to be more proactive in getting him started on something to stave off the pains from age and arthritis. Thanks for what you are doing. I am happy to support your cause. Keith M
My 5-yr boxer – Gracie – started walking 3-legged. My vet took x-rays, with no obvious cause. The surgeon guess was torn ligament. I didn’t feel comfortable with surgery, as she’s had many, and I didn’t want to put her through another. Having had such great success with my older boxer on your supplements, I figured I try them on her. I gave her the CMO and MSM (she was already getting the Glucosamine and Vitamin C). In 7 – 10 days, I’ve got her pain pills in half. Gracie occasionally tucks the leg when running down stairs, but other than that her symptoms are gone. Kathleen
I’m sure you’ve already heard this a million times but we are have greyt results with the MSM, Vit. C, Shark Cartilage, Glucosamine combo. Our 7 year old grey girl Lexie was diagnosed with Valley Fever last month and along with the fluconazole we’re giving her the combo. She had a pretty significant limp prior to diagnosis and her limp is fading fast. I attribute it mostly to the combo! Shannon
My old men have tried a couple of supplements I got through my vet, but your product works so much better. I was amazed, even after reading all of the testimonials, how quickly I could see a difference in their attitude, playfulness, sleep, everything. Ranger was shot in the back before our adoption group took him in and still has buckshot left in his spine. The injury caused his right hip and leg to atrophy. He still had a slight limp and was slow to get up. But with the Get Up and Go, he’s like a puppy again. Deacon has severe arthritis in all of his toes and also has a dislocated toe on one of his front fee that was never reduced. He used to limp around, keeping the foot with the extra bad toe pulled up all the time. Not now. He, too, enjoys running around the yard and inside the house as well. Tamara R
I cannot believe how much better Misha is acting since she has been on (your 4-pack) for a few months. she is just like a pup now, and I know it is helping the plate in her leg, no more limping or squeaking like she hurt herself. Thank you. Jenny
I can’t tell you how much your products have helped my dog. Hamlet was a shelter dog that we saved eight years ago. He’s about 12 or 13 years old now and he had been limping badly for the past year. Our vet started him off with some supplements that just did not work and then we went to regular medication which also did not work. My son has a greyhound that had problems with joint disease and he told me to look up greyhound gang because your products had helped his dog so much. Hamlet is just a mutt, but after a few days of giving him glucosamine, cmo and digestive enzymes he began to walk (actually romp) without a limp for the first time in a year. Thank you, thank you for helping Hamlet to live free of pain in his golden years! Joyce T
Cannot believe the difference these products have made in the life of our 2-year-old male lab mix, Dalton. Other products did not seem to have the positive effects that your products have had. It is so good to see him run, get up from a lying position much quicker, and he now has muscle tone in his back legs. We are so pleased and eternally thankful for the difference it has made in our boys life!!!! Joan T
First of all I want to tell you this is the BEST STUFF! (Calming Oil) We had workmen in our house for 4 days. I didn’t think to use it the first day, and two of our grey’s were basket cases. I used it on day 2 and 3 and they even let the workmen pet them. On day 4, I again forgot, and they were nervous, but not out of control. Love IT! Lisa G
I just wanted to commend you on your products. I have no greyhounds, but, I have a 12 yr. old yorkie. She is terribly arthritic. I have tried every product out on the market and she won’t eat any of them. My husband is a dog trainer here in Naples, FL and one of his customers gave him a sample of shark cartilage and glucosamine HCL. Well, I have been giving her just ‘a pinch’ of each (as she only weighs 4 lbs.). Anyway, she is a different dog. She is doing things that she hasn’t done in years. Especially when she gets up in the morning, she gets up right away. I can see her pain has lessened. Thank you so much. Jane L
This stuff is fabulous!! I’ve been telling everyone, so should you! lol. I love the powder form – it’s so easy! Easy, economical, efficient, energizing, empowering, can you tell I’m enthusiastic? Cheryl
Both of my grey’s have been on your Glucosamine HCL for years. I attribute this to the reason my 11.5 year old still races around the yard and has shown NO signs of arthritis. My vet thinks she’s in super shape! We go to playgroups with dogs of all ages and everyone is always commenting how she outruns them all – she just loves to run and I’m so glad she has been able to do so into her senior years! Carolyn Z
I’ve been spreading the word about CMO – who knows whether it will work as well for other dogs as it has for Zeus – but you’d better believe that since he can once again lounge in my bed he’s one happy pup! Thank you for your supplements they’ve definitely improved his quality of life and mine too as I used to feel so bad for him whining and limping (and leaking!). Kathleen O’
By the way your Get Up And Go is wonderful. I have my other guys on it and they are like puppies. Thanks again. Robin & Gang
Thanks for these fabulous products at such fabulous prices. There has been a surgery cancelled due to your products. Karen H
I love your booklets. I see so many older greys and wish all of them could be on a supplement. I don’t think people realize how much discomfort a grey (or any other breed!) can be in and never realize it. I have 3 /10 y.o.’s and a 13 y.o. and without the supplements their quality of life would not be what it is. It’s wonderful that a grey will get some “get up and go’ in it’s life now because of your donation! Jo Jean J
I have been using your product for about four months now and my dog shows no signs of any joint pain any longer. In addition, the ease of adding the product to her food makes the task much easier for me. Before I was giving her tablets, the tablets were not always welcome and taken. Thanks. Marcia C
Our dog Zeke is acting like a puppy. (Lab mix, 10 years old). He is keeping up with our 3 corgies. We were told 3-4 years ago that his hips were so bad he could barely walk, now he plays and jumps around! Bethany C
Skooter (15 years old) and I received the shipment of powders on Wednesday and began that evening adding them to his meals. I know your literature suggests that it takes several days to notice the effect of the products, but I can assure you that it was within 24 hours that we saw marked improvement. I like it that he eats his food as though there was no supplement added, unlike another commercial products which we have used that he preferred not to eat! Thank you for all your efforts to inventory and package these supplements and especially thank you for getting my order out so promptly. I also took your advise and had him in for an acupuncture treatment. I think the combination of approaches is working for this old man. Any form of relief I can give him is just such a bonus. He does not acknowledge that he is in pain, but X-rays certainly tell the tale of just how bad the arthritis in his spine really is. Thank Goodness for Get Up & Go. I’m telling everyone about it. Pam C
In the fall of 2001 we brought an old Irish greyhound into our home, rescued off a track in Spain who’s first birthday in retirement would be her ninth. She was badly in need of some rehabilitation, and we began looking into natural ways to help her with her pain & joint issues. We began with the Get Up & Go Glucosamine & since that time I believe we have used every one of Claudia’s products at one time or another as our 4 dogs have gotten older & their issues have progressed. We even switched our black lab over from prescription Cosequin & feel she’s doing much better now. Most recently we have added the MSM & CMO for our older girls & feel it has made a great difference in the quality of their days. In the spring we will celebrate our Irish girl’s 12th birthday, and are looking forward to years more with her, due in no small part to adding Claudia’s great natural products to her life. Sarah P
I have a 3 yr old black lab named Max, who I noticed was running with his back legs together like a bunny. Although he showed no signs of being in pain, I understand this is a hallmark of hip dysplasia. So I decided to try your glucosamine to hopefully help him from developing any symptoms in the future. I figured it couldn’t hurt, anyway. He has been on your product since mid June and I can see such a difference. He now runs more, and is just more mobile. Let’s just say I always thought my awesome training was the reason he never jumped up on anyone, and we have now found that this is a myth. I never thought he was having mobility trouble until looking back compared to now. So thank you for making such a difference with my boy. He is a much loved companion and member of our family and I know he is happier now. He is way better at keeping up with his greyhound “sisters” now! Melissa P
First I have to tell you that you’ve done it once again! We started 9yo Chase on the combination of gluco-msm-sharc-vit c a while back and he’s been running around the house like a puppy! I don’t think I even realized how much he’d slowed down. We couldn’t be happier with the results and thank you so much for recommending the supplements. Brian
These products have done wonders for our 11 year old boy! Thanks! Ann A
I ordered “get up and go “for my GH Cargo, I live in Chicago. I spoke with you about a few months ago about his arthritis and I wanted to tell you he hasn’t “got up and yelped” since. I think it has worked! I am ordering more! My neighbor saw the difference and I directed her to your web site for her dogs as well. Margie D
I just want you to know that the Queen of our household, my 10 year young retired Brood, Barbie Jade, is so much improved after the glucosamine. She runs up and down the stairs, chasing me, when I try to keep her on one floor, she refuses to listen. Again, I am a firm believer in the Get Up & Go!! Pat * The Phantastic Philly Pups: Stepper, Zeus & Queen Barbie Jade
I have been meaning to e-mail you for some time to update you on the results we had with the latest addition to your supplements range. As you know, my household of senior greyhound’s are already addicted to your glucosamine, but just recently we also tried your Prozyme and CMO.
I have used CMO in the past, and frankly the results have been nothing short of miraculous (for some dogs – CMO is an all or nothing sort of supplement). As you know I was a little skeptical about the CMO sold by yourself, as the one I have used in the past has been in capsule form and also a LOT more expensive. Still I decided to try it and frankly I am AMAZED. I used the CMO on Buttons, my 9 year old who had spent all of his nine years in kennels. He arrived at my home already limping, and showing clear signs of arthritis. In January of 2003 I had him sedated and x-rayed, as his limping had clearly increased and he was obviously in discomfort. The x-rays revealed nothing more sinister than arthritis, and I purchased a course of CMO from you (he was already on glucosamine as are all of my dogs regardless of age). Within 10 days of starting on CM his limping had reduced, and by the end of the course the conventional pain killer which had been prescribed by he vet had been halved, and still without limping. It is now 7 months on and Buttons continues to do well.
So I just wanted to say thank you – the supplements you sell not only make a difference to the greys that you care for and rehome, but are also enhancing the life of a few retired racers in Switzerland. Fiona + 4
While I’ve been ordering the glucosamine for quite some time now, this is only my second order of chondroitin. The Chondroitin had an immediate and truly wonderful affect on our 9 year old grey-child-adult, Niles. He has always seemed happy — playing with toys on occasion, eating all his food, enjoying his walks outside — his enthusiasm for life has just blossomed since we’ve addedit to his diet. He plays with his toys more now than EVER, he wants his walks to last longer, and he just seems to have “boundless” energy. Niles has always had some mild allergies to the changing seasons, so I think thechondroitin may have helped not just with his bones/joints, but maybe also with his allergies. So, please, add us to the “anecdotal” evidence of the benefits of this stuff for our greys with allergies. Niles and Robert Je and Randy A, Proud Dads
Your products have made a tremendous difference for my Jarvis! He always whined while he circled to lie down and I thought that was normal since I’m a new greyhound mom (11 months). After only a couple of weeks on the supplements he stopped doing it. Guess it wasn’t normal! We live and learn. Thank goodness he didn’t have to wait to long. Donna B
I couldn’t believe how quickly my order got here. It was here almost before I clicked enter. Thanks. My 5 year old greyhound has one toe amputated and on the same foot has an old injury which appears to be a dislocation. After about 3 weeks it appears that your goodies may be helping. I figured they couldn’t hurt but really didn’t expect to see any improvement. However, he has rousted me out of bed twice this week to get out early to the fenced ball field while it is relatively cool for a run. He still limps and I’m sure has some pain after he runs but this is the first time in months that he has wanted to run more than around the back yard. I am thrilled if he can at least enjoy a little running without too much pain. Thank you. Vickie B
I started my greyhound on glucosamine 60 days ago. He has some arthritis in is left high leg and foot, and is only 4 years old, and I could tell the pain was slowing him down. After 2 months, he is bounding up and down the back stairs and wrestling with the other dogs. It’s greyt to see him so much comfortable and happier. Dawn & Awesome
Thanks for making your Glucosamine available. The powdered form is much easier to administer (oddly, glucosamine in pill form is the only pill my dog won’t eat out of hand). My 10 year old Border Collie/Shepard X shelter dog is overcoming her arthritis aches very well, and the pure glucosamine does not aggravate her stomach the way several commercial powdered glucosamine mixed supplements have. Amy M
We are novice greyhounders, only a bit over two years now. Everyday, I learn more. As for the joint supplements, I honestly don’t think that Booker would be in such good condition for his age without them. Very little back end issues. Where a year ago, his gait was so off, I thought he had injured himself. *** Unsolicited Kudos*** Deb Maxwell
I love the product. I recommended it to my friend and she is pleased. In fact, many members of the Belgian List use your products. That is how I learned about them! Keep up the good work. Woofs,
Chris, Roxee (Golden) and Daisy Mae (ABMC Senior Rescue)
Also I wanted to THANK YOU for your Get Up and Go Glucosamine…. I could just hug you! My Harley (8yr old mix) had been taking regular glucosamine for 2 years without real results. Then I heard about your products… a few months later he is almost pain free from his arthritis! He can even run up the stairs in the morning! My Mom was absolutely amazed at the changes in him… gave her some for her Zoe (6yr old lab) who has hip dysplasia (sp?). Zoe has now been taking it for several months, she has lost weight and her appetite has increased. She is a much more active dog! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! Amanda
As a convinced user of the Glucosamine (thanks to you)…I KNOW how much it helped The Most Divine Ms. SugarBear, and feel that without it she would not have had as wonderful 4-1/2 years with me. It helped her run and play so much, without it she was so stiff. Thank you for introducing me to the glucosamine!! Patti
The supplements help our 12 year greyhound travel down and up a flight of stairs. He’s doing well, plus we have 2 other greyhounds doing great on them. William L
I also wanted to let you know I have been taking it and it is working so much better the the stuff I get at the drugstore. Have back and hip problems that seemed to be getting worse every month. I am writing this after just finishing a mile walk. Could not do this two months ago. My 10 year old grey, Rio, is also now giving my 2 year old grey, Riley, a workout every morning. It is such a joy to watch. Teri H
I look forward to getting the Get Up and Go. We have been out for a few months, but it was just too crazy to stop and order some. We have noted a huge difference in our older gal. If we had any suspicions about the effectiveness of the stuff, they would have been cleared up after these past months. Her activity level just dropped and she became more cranky certain days. It will be nice to get it back into her system and get her up and running again 🙂 Beth Anne Z
My dobie, Marley, is so thankful for this product! She’s the most agile I’ve seen her in years! Kelsey
The Chondroitin and Glucosamine really works wonders! We noticed a remarkable improvement in Banjo and Chili (our seniors who had arthritis). They were able to lie down and get up without groaning and moaning. Chili started acting like a puppy again and Banjo’s limp was not as noticeable. Steve & Carol Mc
I thank you every morning when I sprinkle Get Up & Go Glucosamine over Bullet’s food. He is doing great now, no limping at all. He is 8 years old, always had toe problems and limped. After 2 months of Glucosamine he started acting like a two year old! Christina, Bullet and GreenBean
Thank you for making available such a great product at an affordable price. I have a 12 yr old Greyhound with arthritis in his upper spine. Just as an “after thought” I also started giving it to my seven-year-old Golden Mix. She had gotten extremely slow at coming when called and I wondered if there was more to it than “laziness”. Sure enough, within a week of me adding some to her dinner her personality just CAME ALIVE! She once more bounds into the house when I call her, and getting up is not the effort it was. I’m so grateful. If your glucosamine weren’t so affordable I would not have thought to share my greyhound’s remedy with her. PS. I ran out, so while waiting for your refill I have been giving Sunny one of my own daily glucosamine chondrotin capsules. They are much more expensive yet she is not doing as remarkably well. Stephanie P
Thanks for the info. We got some of your Get Up & Go for the furkids. And after two days on it one of furkids improved dramatically on it. Got off the couch with no stiffness and is running more and is more lively. Is this something that’s normal? We had been giving the one that had sulfate in it. Richard W
You suggested it for our older greyhound who was pretty arthritic. It helped him immensely! We assisted him to cross the rainbow bridge June 28, 2001 because of Cancer. He was almost 15 and his last years were quality a lot because of the glucosamine. He will always be my Angel Dog!! Thanks for the tip! Fae J
I only wish you could see my Elsie May and how Get Up and Go has helped her! When she first came to me 2 months ago, she was a bit on the thin side, and walked very stiff on her right rear leg. She had trouble getting up and down, it hurt me just to watch her try to lay down/get up. She never sat down. However, about an hour ago, she RACED across the yard with the biggest smile on her face! She runs…runs…runs…every where. She jumps up on our 3 ft tall bed. She sits! On the bed, on the sofa, on our hardwood floors. I really believe it’s due to the Get Up and Go. It’s a shame you can’t see for yourself the good you are doing her. And I’m sure there are many more like her. Dagmar B
A short time back I got my first order of Glucosamine and started giving it to my four Greys. In the last couple of days I have noticed a change in my senior girl, Whitney. Whitney is eleven years, and when she would go out and play you could tell that she loved to run. Even though she couldn’t run fast she would lope along in a slow but graceful way, and seemed to get enjoyment just from running, no matter how slow she was. That has all changed during this past week. When I feed her she will jump up and down and actually dance on her hind feet and is very excited. When I go through the back gate she will run to greet me and be the first dog there. She now races with the other Greys instead of after them. The smile she has on her face brings joy to my heart. Thanks,Chuck T.
We love “Get Up & Go”. Jack has arthritis in his back left paw, where they cut one of his toes off. Two to three times a year his leg swells up to the point of where he won’t use it, and almost doesn’t want to get off the couch. Since we switched from another product, he doesn’t even limp after laying down for a long time. His paw hasn’t swelled up in over a year! Thank you so much for turning us on to “Get Up & Go”. We tell everyone we know about it. We’re even going to start taking it ourselves. Kim and Scott Sommers – www.fastjack.com
I cannot believe the results I have seen in just a few days on my greyhound with a stress fracture. She is FULL of energy. I guess you would know what I’m talking about, but you have to see it to believe the difference. And if I hadn’t seen it I would never have believed it! My husband even thinks we have to lower the dose down a notch! Gayle M
Your glucosamine is sure helping Theresa. She played with her stuffie like a mad fiend when I got home. She is “down-dog” stretching about twice as far. She even cockroached for the first time. And at 10.5 she went on our 2 mile walk with us this morning without a complaint. Thank you for all you do. Catherine S
Thanks a million. I thought you might get a kick out of the fact that our in-laws (son in laws parents) have two rotties who are about 5 and 4 years old. They had stopped by for a coffee one day and were commenting on how their dogs were getting middle aged and their hips had started to bother them. Our greys were in the yard and went tearing by at mach 9 and they couldn’t believe their eyes. Our greys are 13, 2 at 12, 10.5 and 8.5. They started them on your Get Up and Go and they are now true converts. Cindy M
I thought you’d like to know about a new use for Get Up and Go. Because I’m owned by two ex-racers and one elderly mixed breed (possibly turdhound) I buy glucosamine from the Gang in the large bottle. Lately Mikey, my adorable fawn thief boy, has learned how to open the lid of the kitchen garbage can with his nose. I put a can of beans on the lid but he learned how to slide it to the back and reach into the garbage. So now I put the big jar of glucosamine on the lid and it works greyt. Ha. Cynthia D
I have been ordering Glucosamine for 2 of my greys. One had a broken hock and the other evidently was run over below the hock by something (before I got her)! She would limp and be gimpy every time she got up. The vet told me Glucosamine probably wouldn’t work because it wasn’t a “joint”. Well, I decided to try it anyway. Let me tell you, this girl hasn’t stopped since the stuff took hold! She goes 90 mph and never is stiff or gimpy when she gets up. She is like a new dog! The other grey is doing well also! I never saw him run until he started on the Glucosamine. Thanks for the Glucosamine – I will keep ordering!! Nan S
It’s amazing the difference the Glucosamine makes in Bailey’s comfort! I ran out about 3 weeks ago. Boy can I tell the difference. I’ll never run out again! Linda C
I had to write and let you know that since my 5 yr old Duchess has been getting Get Up and Go she is a totally different dog. She had a ligament replaced in her knee at 2, and arthritis had set in. Now she gets up easily and without limping. It is truly amazing. Duchess and I can’t thank you enough. Denise T
I bought your Chondroitin and glucosamine at Dewey Beach last October. I have noticed a definite improvement in our dogs especially Cookie – she usually limped most of the winter due to an injured leg. But this year she hasn’t limped at all!!! Also, Lou Lou, our 12 year old girl is getting around very well. We also give it to our boy Tex. Rebecca K
Lanna has arthritis in her back, shoulder and legs. Within a month of using glucosamine and chondroitin, her back has straightened, she is playful and running like only a greyhound can. I have no doubt that these remedies have increased the quality of her life, and may have even extended it. Marylynne K
I saw results in 24 hours!!! And then in the next days – WOW!!!! DOUBLE WOW!!! This dog is acting half his age at least. He’s feeling so much better. I sure don’t want to run out of this miracle stuff. Cheryl K
VERY pleased with the results I have seen!!! My old dog does not moan and groan when she goes to lie down. My other older dog – who gets both glucosamine and Chondroitin is acting like a puppy again. Nice to see such positive results. Lois H
Thanks so much for the Glucosamine. Morgana is a different girl since she’s been getting it everyday. I sing its praises to everyone! Betty C
Just wanted to thank you for providing such a greyt product at such a greyt price. I’ve been taking it, as has my 11 yr old grey for the past two months, and the results are incredible. I helped some friends move recently, and normally after a grueling day of walking up and down stairs I wouldn’t have been able to walk. I had been taking another brand, which was a lot more expensive, for three years, but my knees have never felt so good after 2 months on your product. My 11 yr old is no longer moaning and groaning every time she moves. I’ve just started all my other dogs on it too, and told my yoga teacher about it. My biggest fear is that you’ll stop providing this wonderful product. I am a FIRM believer in Get Up & Go!!!! Patty L – Missouri
Just wanted to let you know that since we’ve had all our guys on Get Up & Go, Chapin (our 9.5 year old with a ruptured disk) is a wild woman. She acts like a puppy every morning when she hauls a** across the yard, across the deck and up the 20 steps to the door. We are VERY happy customers. This stuff is GREAT! Keith A
I was giving both my hounds, Magic and Muffin, capsules at $90 for 120. You are a bargain! I was concerned about the taste of powder on the food, but they don’t mind at all. I had looked at buying the “human” variety, and then saw that your Glucosamine is exactly the same as what is sold for humans! I was also pleased to be able to read your chemical analysis. Lori H
WOW! I received my order so quickly. Thanks! I can’t tell you enough what a dramatic change I have seen in my “senior” grey’s mobility. I have now started the other 3 greys on it for preventative care. I know my hound thanks you a hundred times over. He now jumps up from wherever he is sleeping to greet everyone, and he BOUNDS up my stairs like he was a two year old again! Deb L
For any of you out there that need a supplement for arthritis, I ask that you try the Gang’s Get Up & go Glucosamine. It’s an excellent product at a very reasonable price; and whatever little profit the Gang makes goes right to the hounds. It works folks! Polo had a bad shoulder injury while racing, (not uncommon) and this takes away his favoring his shoulder, and the pain he was feeling. Timber, a mix, is 10, but you’d think she was 2 if you meet her on the Get Up & Go. I am a very satisfied customer. Abbey Z
Hi Claudia. You should have seen my Mindy in playgroup this morning! She is a real testimonial to Get Up & Go Glucosamine at age 14 yrs, 9 months. I call her my Get Up & Go Girl! Thanks! Rebecca D
The Glucosamine arrived today! We were so surprised it got here so fast. Sasha, my 9 year old, is doing so much better since she has been taking it. She had turned into a real couch potato. When she did try to run to keep up with Alex, she would be so sore a few hours later, she would cry if we touched her. She has been taking Glucosamine for about three months and we have noticed a big change in her activity. She has started playing with her toys again and this weekend she ran like she hasn’t run in years. (She had to show Alex that she is still boss!). For the 1st time in a couple of years she could still keep up with him and had none of the painful after effects. Get up & Go is great! Dianne W
My order came today. Thank you for amazingly quick service!! Ivey, my Boston Terrorist, had leg surgery and hadn’t used her leg for 4 months. Radiographs revealed arthritis in the knee joint. Four weeks after starting your glucosamine, she started using the leg, and now uses it all the time!! Your stuff is amazing!!! Thank you! Barb & Ivey
I wanted to tell you how well your Glucosamine is working for my girl. She has had pins in her leg, and it is slightly crooked. Yesterday I let her out, and she ran around the back yard, and I swear she jumped and clicked her heels together several times. She has never done that in the 4 years I have had her. I KNOW it has to the Glucosamine. Gloria D
I can’t believe the difference Get Up & Go Glucosamine, or as I refer to it now – “Lie Down and Stay”, has made for all three of my dogs. Wolfie who is 10, and Willie who is 8 both suffered injuries in their careers, and you certainly wouldn’t be able to tell anymore! I just put it in a teaspoon of yogurt, and they inhale it. I am sure you get testimonials all the time, but I had to add my 2 cents worth because it really is true! Cindy M
I received my order. Thanks for sending it out so promptly! It really helps Sara a lot. She’s moving around like she never did before. I’ll be a regular customer from now on! Patricia H
I wanted to write and tell you about the amazing improvements in our nine-year-old greyhound Socks since I began giving him Get Up & Go in September. Socks was getting a bit stiff, especially when getting up and down from naps, etc. His yearly vet work up showed no signs of anything serious or life-threatening such as bone cancer, instead early stages of arthritis appears to be the culprit. He’d pretty much stopped his nightly “bronco buster blankie romps” in the living room where he’d go around in circles very fast while throwing his blanket all over the place with his paws.
Things have certainly changed. Now Socks is affectionately known around our house as “Glucosamine Dog!” and his blanket will never be the same. He has not only resumed his bronco-buster routine with a fervor, but he has now included squeaky toys in the game. The amazing thing is that instead of doing this just once a night as he did when he was younger, he will do it twice and occasionally three times a night before zonking out for a nap. I highly recommend Get Up & Go — it has not only made a big difference in our Socks, but the added bonuses are that it’s all natural and is economical too. Thanks Claudia! Terri and Socks O
Just had to let you know that I got the Glucosamine on 9/17 and started all 3 of the kids on it even though Cholla is the only one with arthritis. I know it can’t be a placebo effect, but Cholla hasn’t limped for 2 days!!! In addition to giving her the glucosamine, I upped the dose of Chondroitin to 1000 mg a day so that probably has helped also. I just wanted you to know and also wanted to thank you for all your help. It does our hearts good to see her behaving like her old self. Wally L