Is your dog incontinent? Kidni Kare, a standardized herbal extract from Azmira, can help with urinary incontinence in young or old pets or humans. It's also a restorative tonic which strengthens the musculature of the pelvic organs and is helpful for dogs as they age. I adopted a 10 year old, incontinent Afghan Hound and this stopped her incontinence within a week.
Certified Fresh Ingredients - plaintain leaf and corn, african buchu leaves, corn silk, horsetail grass, st johnswort flower buds, arnica flowers, thuja leaf. Grain Alcohol.
Dosage - One drop per 5 lbs of body weight. Dilute 1/4 tsp of liquid per 2 drops. When putting in food, double or triple the dose.
Available in 1 ounce bottles.